Why Sitting Does More Harm Than Good

Carl Barcelon`
6 min readJun 24, 2021

How it affects your quality of life

In this day and age, more people are spending time indoors.

The recent domination of online platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, online shopping platforms like Amazon, streaming services like Netflix, and the likes; resulted in the general population leaning more towards using mobile devices, computers, and televisions for entertainment, business, etc.

More screen time means lesser time to invest in doing physical activities.

According to the federal research done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four American adults spend more than 8 hours a day sitting.

There are approximately 332,886,703 American citizens (As of June 22, 2021).

This means that 25 percent of the American population is spending more than 8 hours a day sitting.

That’s 83,221,675 persons at risk!

What are the risks of physical inactivity?

1. Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases account for a higher mortality rate in the American population.

Spending long hours sitting?

Well, you might just be in DANGER.

A 2010 study conducted with 184,190 participants reported that people who spend more than 6 hours per day sitting, with low levels of physical activity are 71% more likely to suffer from life-threatening cardiovascular diseases.

2. Injuries

Injuries decrease efficiency and quality of life.

Having issues with your body?

The more inactive you are, the more you are at risk of muscle fatigue and injuries.

Physical inactivity involving sitting for long periods promotes body deconditioning. It negatively affects a person’s ability to tolerate physical activities.

You may be a seasoned athlete or a remarkable specimen, but the moment that your body adapted to a sedentary lifestyle, the more you are incapable of performing your best. You also put yourself at a higher risk of injury if you suddenly return to your old routine.

(It doesn’t hurt to take it slow. Quite ironic, right? Well, it is what it is.)

3. Weight Gain

Sitting long hours can contribute to weight gain

Gaining weight?

Sitting long hours and having a sedentary lifestyle slows it down, mainly because the demand for fuel is lower.

Our metabolism adjusts depending on our activity levels.

The human body is like a machine, it needs sufficient amounts of fuel to run efficiently. Simply put, it needs the energy to function.

Want to lose a couple of pounds?

Being active and engaging in daily physical activity, encourages the body to consume higher amounts of fuel. It can also encourage your body to burn off excess fat!

(Of course, provided that you watch what you eat….. Just don’t kid yourself.)

How do you combat the dangers of sitting?

1. Take a break

Sitting long hours will do more harm than good. Incorporate timely breaks from it, loosen up a bit.

Stand up from your desk, do some stretches, and walk around the office. The same thing applies if you’re working from home. Your back will thank you later. Guaranteed.

For comprehensive guides for stretches that you can do anytime and anywhere, no expensive equipment, or gym membership is needed.

You can refer to this article: 10 Stretches You can do Anywhere

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2. Exercise

Incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine will definitely strengthen your body, immunity, increase metabolism, improve overall mood, focus, and even enhance your productivity levels!

You don’t have to do the latest routine that made Chris Hemsworth jacked for his upcoming movie.

You can try it if you want to, but you’ll probably not find it for free since he’d kept it hidden, mainly because he’s afraid that you might take up his spot.

Understandable, because the man’s got to make a living, he’s got a wife and kids.

The dude’s also got some impressive guns, this is coming from a mere mortal.

(Whatever he’s been doing or taking, can’t blame you if you wanna try.)

Love lifting weights? Lift.
Love running? Run.
Love yoga? Do it.

Just be you. Do what moves you.

Exercise is a rewarding experience, not a grueling process that you have to overcome. Be sure to do it safely, minimize the risk of injuries.

Pick an exercise routine that works for you. Be consistent, stick with it and you shall reap the rewards.

Might as well impress your partner and peers with new-found gains, right?

Don’t want to spend your hard-earned money?

For free resources, YouTube and Google are your best friend. Just be mindful of the quality of information that you‘re getting.

Whether you’re a beginner or experienced in executing exercises, you should refer to multiple resources to validate if the exercise that you want to perform is effective, and can be done safely.

If it‘s backed by credible resources such as articles and scientific studies, then congratulations, you now have a solid foundation of knowledge!

Have extra dollars to spend?

You can also hire a certified personal trainer if you’d like. (If that’s your thing.)

These guys have built up hands-on knowledge by incorporating battle-tested strategies.

No harm in making sure that you’re safe and not wasting your time, right?

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3. Healthy Diet

The more you’re engaged in living a sedentary lifestyle, the more probability that you’re consuming a lot of processed sugars, processed meats, and unhealthy fats.

A healthy diet comprised of calorie, and micronutrient-dense foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean cuts of meats, poultry, fish, and healthy fats will ensure that your body and mind are in tip-top shape.

Pair this with your go-to exercise routine and you’re on your way to a healthier version of yourself!

Want some free recipes?

Again, YouTube and Google are your best friend. Just input what type of foods you like.

Want a simple and easy solution?

Want to have every meal catered to your preference?

You can opt to use paid services that provide custom meal plans.

(Well, I like free stuff, so I’m sticking with YouTube and Google compared to this one.)

Surely, provided that you’ve looked everywhere; you can probably find something interesting and healthy that you can grub on later in the day.

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Simple, right?

Better health and wellness require dedication and discipline. Only you have the power to take action.

Always keep these things in mind:

  • Take a break
  • Exercise
  • Healthy Diet

As they say, the good things make up the big things. Do these consistently, little by little, and I guarantee that you’re on your way to a better, and healthier version of yourself.

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Final Thoughts:

If you’re getting unusual signals from your body, it’s advisable to seek medical advice from proven professionals.

Your doctor will find out if there are possible health risks that you need to address early.

(Provided that you did check-ups and tests if required.)

Make things easier for the both of you.

Make sure to monitor your current lifestyle and environment.

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Carl Barcelon`

Aspires to make the world a better place.